Google Login

Your google client id and secret id is needed in order to activate google login.

Watch the following video for guide on how to use.

Google Login

Once logged in to google developers dashboard, create a new project.

Click on the new project & fill in the information.

Create & select the new project. Once in the project dashboard, click in the credentials menu.

Once in the credentials page, click on create credentials & choose OAuth client ID from the options.

Once you select OAuth client ID from the previous guide, you will be redirected to the create credentials page. Once in the page, select the application type as Web Application. Fill in the following information.

For the Authorized redirect URLS Field use the following url format. Replacing with your site url.

You can also find the callback url on your script admin settings on the tab social login.

Once you click the create button after you fill in the required info, a fresh oauth keys will be generated for you. You will need to copy the keys.

Paste the copied Client ID & Client Secret in your script admin settings on the tab Soical Login.

Following these steps should integrate a Google Login to your script. Please contact if you have any issues.

Last updated